General Services

Consulting, assistance and management

Due Diligence

Morgan Res offers an investigation and in-depth activity of the real estate market by analysing the characteristics of the properties. Through our analysis we highlight the strategic aspects of the asset analysed according to the operations designed. The main purpose of our due diligence is to ascertain, thanks to a focussed analysis, all the information available to verify if the conditions for carrying out a given program actually exist, while highlighting positive and critical aspects that could cause the failure of the operation.

Expert Assessment

To allow for the sale or rent of property, knowledge of its true value is fundamental in order to be able to make informed decisions. Our service is based on a precise and efficient analysis of the characteristics of a property, and of the current property market; thanks to the work of specialists who analyse everything that can influence and affect the value of a property; the sworn expert appraisal/evaluation technical document drawn up by professional who might be an architect, engineer or surveyor. This document Serbs too attached some characteristics or information which regard a property, plot of land coma a company, or other types of assets, and our technicians are able to provide this service in a timely manner.

Legal and notary consultancy and assistance

In the field of its real estate activity, Morgan Res assists its clients by providing a series of professional connected services, by way of a team of professionals specialised in real estate, business and inheritance law, with more than 30 years of experience, Aimed at ensuring the best possible conclusion of a real estate deal, for example: We offer legal support and assistance during every stage of the sale or acquisition of your property.

In particular we assist in the protection of the Seller/Vendor or the Buyer with the drafting of the initial offer, through the preliminary contract to the final stipulation of the final deed of sale by the notary.

Moreover, our support also includes taxation consultancy and the calculation of fees and taxes during the acquisition of property, in order to enable the client to evaluate how convenient the operation of acquisition of one property is with respect to another, and- where requested- includes all the phases connected to the granting of a loan or a mortgage necessary for the conclusion of the negotiations and the stipulation of the final deed of sale by the notary

Real estate management

Real estate management consists of the figure a Tory administration by third parties of buildings belonging to a single owner (private/ business /public body).

The aim of this activity is to solve all the issues inherent to the management of an owned building/real estate, and goes hand in hand with the management of rent and the rental contracts associated to them, with the drafting of an adequate reporting of the property.

Morgan Res is specialised in the control of all managed assets, from a single rented apartment choose the administration of large real estate assets.


A Trust is a legal relationship which is created during the stipulation of a deed between heirs and a will, with which a subject (settlor) transfers to another subject (trustee) assets or rights with the obligation to manage them in the interests of the settlor or of another subject (beneficiary), or in order to achieve a certain objective, under the possible supervision of a third party (protector or guardian), according to the rules dictated by the settlor in the trust deed and by the laws regulating

Property Management Trust:Property management trust: the transfer of property units to a trust allows for the creation of a separate and guaranteed assets which includes real estate, with the advantage that such assets cannot be threatened by the settlor’s creditors, nor by the trustee's creditors, nor by the beneficiaries’ creditors. It will therefore be possible to create a management of real estate without having to resort to the most expensive tool available to normal limited responsibility companies (Ltd.’s) and at the same time it will be possible to lay the foundations for the division of the entire inheritance, and however the division of such assets in the future. During the period in which the trust is valid, the trustee can carry out all the operations which are useful to its management including its sale.

Credit Brokerage and Loans

Credit brokerage and loan management is a professional activity which is carried out by a professional whose role it is to mediate between banks and credit institutions, and those who wish to Apply for a loan. More specifically, the credit broker’s role is to mediate between the bank and the private person when a loan is required, for example as in the case of the stipulation of a mortgage for the acquisition of property

National and international Taxation:

While exploring its real estate activity, Morgan Res in ensures assistance and global consultancy with regard to national and international taxation and legal requirements, for real estate Or business operation on national territory or abroad, assisting the client continuously constantly in his initiatives projects and operations with its professionals and in collaboration with major legal, notary and accountancy firms. In particular it should be remembered that the basic norms relative to foreigners is represented in the article of the preliminaries of the Civil Code which requires for reciprocity, by which a foreigner is allowed to avail himself of the civil rights attributed to a citizen to the same extent that an Italian citizen can do so in a foreign country.