Property/Real Estate Identity Card

A tool to contrast property fraud

One of the most important services provided by Morgan Res is the creation and issuance of the property/real estate identity card, both in paper and digital form, in which all the information, documentation, technical town planning details relative to a property and to the current owner are included, all of which is accompanied by a notary’s certificate.

The property/real estate identity card can represent a tool to contrast property fraud, in fact the most frequent example of altered and falsified documents and of associated crimes can be systematically identified as follows :

  1. Falsified identity card (even through the issuance of an authentic “fake” document by the competent authorities) where the personal identity of the previously identified property owner taken.

This allows for:

  1. the power of attorney/authorisation to sell the property, with the appointment of an accomplice attorney

  2. The sale of the property to a third party.

  3. The sale of the property to an accomplice in order to be immediately granted a mortgage or loan.

  4. The stipulation of an unsecured loan, resulting in a mortgaged property.

  5. The application for real estate assignment and loans which guarantee the debt on the property.

All of this unbeknown to the owner

The consequences are:

  • The “true” owner ends up with sold property or a mortgage unbeknown to him.

  • The “true” owner will be obliged to initiate penal proceedings following a criminal charge in order to verify the fraudulent nature of the signatures on the deed of sale

  • The “true” owner will simultaneously be obliged to initiate civil proceedings in order to obtain the annulment of the deed of sale and the restoration of the property to its free state: such a ruling will however remain suspended until the penal proceedings are concluded, and the crime of fraud has been ascertained.

For the duration of the entire period of the two proceedings, the “true” owner will have no legal rights to the property and/or will keep the property for the duration of the mortgage with no freedom to sell the property or carry out any operation on the mortgage.

  1. The counterfeiting of certificates, property registrations, mortgages, or legal rulings in connection with “encumbrances” on the property (seizure, foreclosure, court mortgages)

With the counterfeiting of certificates confirming the repayment of the mortgage and/or the authorised cancellation of these encumbrances, and being themselves annulled, the property will no longer be bound by such “encumbrances”, restoring it to its, “clean” state in which a new loan or mortgage can be applied for.



The best possible solution is believed to be represented by the creation of a digital support tool, to which the property is associated and uniquely bound in a secure, definite, inalterable way.

The bonding of the “person to the thing” by way of a single tool or digital card, is achieved by the creation of an inalterable digital tool (laser card), accessible only through secured or encrypted systems, and only to the owner of the card itself, on which he/she is represented by a photograph.

The possibility of applying such systems is extended to other forms of property, where the necessity to protect ownership even of mobile assets exists, by binding it permanently and inalterably to the rightful owner